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Getting started

First, clone the project:
git clone

Upload your workouts

  • Add your workout log to the data folder under the correct workout date
  • Run ./bin/, optionally specify the WORKOUT_DATE and TRAINING_PROGRAM values
  • The bin/ script will then insert your log(s) into the TinyDB database

Running locally

# docker-compose up --build
docker compose --profile ci up --build --attach-dependencies --remove-orphans
# then visit http://localhost:5000

Run FastAPI with Docker from CLI: docker-compose up
then visit this URL


docker build -t ftimage .
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name ftcontainer ftimage

Or, running without containers:

# Start the Backend
cd src
uvicorn main:app --reload

# Start the Frontend
cd frontend
npm run dev

Debugging: from the url, open the browser's developer tools (F12 or Cmd+Shift+C)

Testing endpoints locally

Overview of endpoints

Example: insert breath holding data in TinyDB

python3 src/utils/

./ -d 2024-03-03 -f json