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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Statistics and health badges (commit activity, repo size, code test coverage, documentation status, CI health of workflows)

  • Barplots grouping repos by size, sectioned into 4 categories (large, medium, small, smallest)

  • Linecharts showing commits over time

  • Sphinx auto doc, with doc hosting on readthedocs:

  • Automatically checking for updates using Dependabot:

  • pip (monthly)
  • GitHub Actions (weekly)

  • GitHub Actions workflow wf.yml.
    NB: as the repo updates itself, the only trigger should be workflow_dispatch to avoid recursive workflow invocation.

  • The workflow contains the following jobs:
  • qualify_code:

    • static type checking with mypy
    • code linting with flake8 and ruff
    • spell checking of README
    • linting of YAML files
    • software complexity metrics with wily
    • unit tests with pytest
    • code coverage reporting
    • caching of poetry and mypy dependencies
  • get_metrics:

    • updates this repo's README (links above) with following projects metrics:
    • top 10 most popular GitHub repos, by star count
    • repos lacking any description, across GitHub and GitLab
    • repos grouped by programming language
  • update_repos:

    • updates all GitHub repos:
    • All GitHub repos (including this one) get a repo size badge on top of their README
      NB: does not affect the GitHub profile page, which is a special repo.
    • support for both .md and .rst files
    • All GitHub repos gets a GitHub Actions workflow, .github/workflows/wf.yml, containing linting for Python and/or TypeScript code, as well as a CI badge on their README

the last job, update_repos, is further performance tested and a comparison of parallel and threading versions are provided alongside the serial (for-loop) version:
- Performance Benchmarks

Note on GraphQL

Useful explorer for testing out GraphQL queries: - GitHub GraphQL API Explorer

Upcoming features

  • linting of R scripts with lintr
  • cleanup script:
  • setup a single, reusable base workflow (poetry setup etc.)
  • identify public repos without any README (e.g. 'web-application-jquery-and-bootstrap')
  • security scannings with bandit (searching for API keys etc.)
  • filter repos by number of users, descendingly
  • getting codecov above 50 %
  • improve & extend documentation on readthedocs
  • alphabetic sorting of words in config/.wordlist.txt
  • group by category (using tags), e.g. health (nutrition, fitness, athlete profiler)
  • group by created_at, display newest and oldest repos
  • check if repos have tests
  • if so, setup codecov badge on their README's
  • if not, set up pytest, perhaps using cookiecutter / cruft or custom template